Federal Government Commissioner for Freedom of Religion or Belief



Would you like to contact us? Do you have suggestions or criticism that you want to share? Do you need information about the work of the Commissioner for Freedom of Religion or Belief? You can contact us by e-mail, post or telephone. Further contact information can be found here.

Data protection

The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) is committed to protecting the privacy of your personal data. Therefore, we collect and process the personal data of our users only to the extent necessary. Find out more on the BMZ website here (External link).

Your rights

You have the possibility of applying to the BMZ for information under the Freedom of Information Act (IFG). Your application can be sent by post or by e-mail to IFG@bmz.bund.de (External link). Further information can be found on the BMZ website (External link).

Site notice

Federal Government Commissioner for Freedom of Religion or Belief